


Cohesion Policy beyond 2027 

Insights on impact and governance 

European Commitee of the Regions, VMA 21
Rue Van Maerlant, 1040 Bruxelles

In its responsibility for coordinating the European Structural Funds, the BMWK commissioned two studies with the aim of providing early ideas for the negotiations for the 2028 - 2034 funding period. The first study "Governance and implementation of the European Structural Funds with a view to their reorientation after 2027" used a participatory approach to derive 17 options for action regarding the implementation, steering and governance of the European Structural Funds. The second study "Evaluation of the European Structural Funds" deals with the evaluation of the effects of the European Structural Funds in Germany in the 2014-2020 funding period. It examines impact models for all funding areas, looks at firm level effects based on a counterfactual comparison, addresses regional effects as well as a systematic analysis on the effects of cohesion policy in recent academic research.

Accordingly, BMWK cordially invites you to attend the event “Cohesion Policy beyond 2027: Recent insights on impact and governance”. The event aims at providing a space to discuss the results of the two studies in a panel discussion with representatives from policymaking, science and practice and to provide impetus for the further shaping of cohesion policy after 2027. This will be done in particular with a view to the European Commission's proposals for the reorganisation of the Structural Funds in the 2028-2034 funding period, which are expected in mid-2025.


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