5 November 2024,
12:00 - 17:00 CET
6 November 2024,
09:00 - 13:45 CET
Blue Point Brussels
Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels
PlasticPiratesEU invites you to attend the Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! Summit 2024. The conference will be held on 5-6 November 2024 at Blue Point Brussels, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels between 12:00-17:00 CET (day 1) and 9:00-13:45 CET (day 2).
Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!, one of the largest Horizon Europe citizen science projects, will present its results to discuss the bigger picture of engaging young Europeans, combatting plastic pollution, and promoting citizen science in the European Research Area as well as its impact on the Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030.
At the summit, you will be getting the unique opportunity to learn about and discuss together with young adults, teachers, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders:
The Plastic Pirates initiative is a cornerstone of the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 and part of the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024, Action 14, “Bringing Science closer to Citizens”. Since June 2022, the initiative has expanded to include 13 European countries and has engaged over 8,000 school children to join the fight against plastic pollution in European rivers and oceans as citizen scientists. At over 130 rivers, waterways, and coastal areas, valuable data on waste pollution has been gathered, with a particular focus on macroplastics and microplastics.
This event does not offer travel funding, therefore, delegates are kindly asked to cover their own travels and accommodation.