Closing event of Franco-German AI and 5G cooperation projects

Closing event of Franco-German AI and 5G cooperation projects


Artificial intelligence and private 5G networks are a dream team in the world of technology. Lightning-fast data transmission is the basis for many useful AI applications. For example, in autonomous driving, smart cities, Industry 4.0, healthcare, logistics and telecommunications. During this virtual event, partners of the Franco-German cooperation projects funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty (MEFSIN) will share their results and experiences.

Zeit Beschreibung
02:00 PM
Opening and welcome

German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty (MEFSIN)

02:10 PM
Keytalk duo: “How can AI and 5G benefit from each other?”

Daniel Abbou, KI Bundesverband

Prof. Florian Kaltenberger, Eurecom

02:40 PM
Parallel sessions: project pitches and discussions

Session 1: AI innovation projects (Moderated by Dr. Ruzica Rakic, DLR-PT)

Projects: RenovAIte, GreenBotAI, GanResilRob, CONTRAILS, AIOLOS


Session 2: 5G private networks (Moderated by Kai Sandmann, DLR-PT)

Projects: 5G-OPERA, Merci, 5G-OR, 5G-FORUM, 5GBP, Stic5G, 5G-ILABB, 5G-RACOM

04:45 PM
Wrap-up of the two sessions
04:55 PM
Closing remarks by the BMWK and MEFSIN


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